The Find Higher-Paying B2B Clients Masterclass

Imagine in just 90 minutes, knowing exactly how to find the right B2B clients, with bigger budgets — and knowing who to contact. It’s possible and we’ve taught hundreds of students how - are you next?

Working with bigger companies feels impossible if you don’t have experience with them or already have a way in…

Oof - scary to think.

We know that the easiest way to get into bigger clients is through prior experience working with them, or an introduction.

So what’s a consultant (like you) to do if you want to break in to working with bigger B2B companies? Well, in my personal (and professional) opinion, the answer is to build RELATIONSHIPS with people that can see your VALUE and are excited to work with you and refer you business.

What most people say is:

“Buy a list of emails and start messaging everyone, or use LinkedIn automation and AI to send generic connection requests and hope that does the trick…”

How’s that working out in a 2024 world?

Rather than rely on “hard push” sales strategies - where you try to do outreach, immediately push a prospect into a meeting, and then sell your services…

What if you were able to grow and nurture your leads FIRST and have THEM ASK TO BE SOLD TO?


You might be wondering, how do I find with the right people to CONNECT with so I can build those RELATIONSHIPS…

The answer is simple: Developing a targeted outreach list.

Now I’m not going to lie, there could be hundreds of potential people to contact at a dream company, and it can take time to build those relationships, so getting it right depends on several factors. But there are things you can do to increase your success.

My student Cheryl has been building and nurturing her outreach list and SIGNED A $10,000 CLIENT through word of mouth WITHOUT PUSHING THE SALE!

Client’s we’ve gained contracts with include

What could higher-paying B2B clients do for your business?

When you watch the masterclass, in 90-minutes you’ll have exactly what you need to get results!

Here’s what we’ll cover…

How to make your current offers attractive to bigger clients

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel and can modify what you already have proven results in

How to figure out the right person to speak to in larger companies and where to find them

No more guessing games, wild goose chases or dead ends

The top pricing model for bigger consulting contracts

And how to position your offering and pricing to be an easy yes

Why bigger clients choose to work with consultants over larger firms

How to leverage your unique advantages as a consultant

“This masterclass is golden.”

— Kristin, Operations Consultant

Getting Started Is Easy As … 1, 2, 3

Step 1: Check your inbox with a link to the masterclass within fifteen minutes after you purchase.

Step 2: Login and follow along with the masterclass, pausing to complete the exercises in real-time.

Step 3: Build your list of dream clients to reach out to.

Step-by-Step instructions for Finding Higher Paying B2B Clients

Takes 90 minutes or less

We’ll take you step-by-step through how to identify the right people to talk to.

You will have EVERYTHING you need to generate more conversations, in just one afternoon!

… all for only $27

“Thank you for this firehose of information!”

— Josh, Tech Consultant

By the end of the masterclass you’ll have…

When you watch the masterclass, you’ll know…

Who exactly you need to talk to in larger organizations.

Where exactly to find higher paying clients.

A clear blueprint of what you need to do to engage with bigger companies.

How to approach pricing your services to sign bigger clients.

What could a consistent flow of higher-paying B2B clients do for your business?

What our clients say about working with us…

Hey, I’m Laura Khalil

I’ve negotiated deals with Fortune 500 companies, brought in seven figures in revenue and today, I help ambitious consultants go after that Big Deal Energy to sign larger B2B clients, be paid fairly and live rich, fulfilling and generous lives.

My job is to help you think bigger about your business, and give you the tools and training to succeed.

I’ve rewritten the rules of sales training, ditched the sleaze and help my clients feel good about sales. My clients learn how to sell without their prospects feeling like they’re being sold to.

I’m not your daddy’s sales coach - that’s for sure.

See, what drives me isn’t just the income — money brings more opportunity and unlocks doors at bigger tables.

And I believe with the right financial resources, can do more, to effect change in our communities, classrooms and capitols.

I keep reminding myself that fortune favors the brave.

So giddy up, bitches. We ride at dawn.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely! You can request a full refund within 14-days of purchase by emailing us.

  • That’s okay! This training will be a big help.

  • The masterclass is just 90 minutes long.

  • This is a recorded training you can watch anytime you like!

  • Sounds good - just email us at and we are happy to help.

A prospecting list in 90 minutes and a plan for the next 30 days

The reality is that we help clients build prospecting lists of higher paying clients and sign bigger contracts than they ever have before. How?

It all starts with finding the right clients to reach out to.

What’s it going to be like when you can turn on the flow of new business in just 30 minutes a day?

How accomplished will you feel to know how non-spammy business development actually works that is used by people signing bigger contracts?

Peace of mind return policy

We think you’ll get a lot out of this training, but if you don’t love it, simply send us an email at support within 14-days of purchase and we’ll gladly refund you.